3 July 2024
6 July 2024
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

The 71st ORCA Congress

More information
Web Summaries - Consensus on Root Caries


AAC & ORCA Joint Webinar - Are there Alternatives to Fluoride for Caries Control?
Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe - Manifesto for 2024-2029

Dear Member of ORCA,

The Board would like to invite you to a short General Assembly for the purpose of approving Livia Tenuta as the new Editor of Caries Research:

Livia Tenuta

Please join us on Thursday, 25 July at 18:00/6PM CET via Zoom:

Dear Member of ORCA,

In due course you will receive a separate email containing an invitation to participate in the election for four new members of our Advisory Council.

You can vote for up to FOUR members. Please see below list for the candidates standing for election.

The election closes on 30 June 2024.

Thank you for your participation.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board


Candidate (random order)

Dear Member of ORCA,

Please nominate fellow ORCA members to serve on our Advisory Council as we will have several vacancies to fill in July 2024.

Please send nominations by responding to this email and by this Sunday (16 Jun).

To consider your application, please include a brief statement of intent and a photo of you.

Thank you.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

The Board would like to draw your attention to these items:

1. Editor-in-Chief Vacancy

If you interested in succeeding our current editor of Caries Research we encourage you to submit your application (CV and a
motivation letter) by June 9th, 2024 to secretary@orca-caries-research.org.

Dear Member of ORCA,