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ORCA Congress Travel Fellowships

These Fellowships will be available to assist attendance at an ORCA Congress. Researchers in the field of caries or related subjects will be eligible, and preference will be given to workers from underprivileged countries.

The applicant may not be a previous award winner. Exceptions are made for winners of the 2020 and 2021 Travel Fellowship, who may apply again.

Each fellowship will have a value up to EUR 1,200 as a contribution to costs of attending the Congress. The deadline for application is 14 January 2024.

Each applicant must register for the ORCA Congress once they have been informed that they receive the Travel Fellowship.

The applicant should prepare an abstract of research results, prepared according to the “Instructions for Authors of Abstracts” (see Congress website).

The application should include:

  1. the abstract of research results;
  2. a curriculum vitae with present position and current research work;
  3. a letter of recommendation from a senior staff member at the home institution.

Please attach CV and letter as a single PDF-file in the abstract submission website, with applicant name in the title.