3 July 2024
6 July 2024
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

The 71st ORCA Congress

More information
Web Summaries - Consensus on Root Caries


AAC & ORCA Joint Webinar - Are there Alternatives to Fluoride for Caries Control?
Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe - Manifesto for 2024-2029

Dear Member of ORCA

I would like to invite you to convene at the general assembly of ORCA on Thursday 30th of June at the ORCA congress in Cagliary, Italy. This will be the first live General Assembly since the start of the COVID19 pandemic. On the agenda two items that require your input:

Dear member of ORCA,
At the general assembly of 2020 changes to the bylaws were presented, to be voted on in the next General assembly held in person.

Dear Member of ORCA,

The ORCA Board and Congress Organizing Committee would like to inform you that the early bird registration deadline for the 69th ORCA Congress has been extended to 18 April.

For further registration details, please see the registration information posted on our website.

Dear Member of ORCA,

Dear Member of ORCA,

We share the sad news with you that Klaus König passed away earlier this month. An obituary in his honor has been posted to our website.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

We share the sad news with you that George Stookey passed away last week. An obituary in his honor has been posted to our website.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

The deadline to submit abstracts for the 69th ORCA Congress has been extended to Sunday, 16 January 2022, 12:00 CET.

Sent on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 69th ORCA Congress

Dear Member of ORCA,

Our website has received a much needed update to restore functionality and increase security. Please update your bookmark as follows: https://www.orca-caries-research.org/ ('www' is now needed).